
When ICTs merge with governance in the 21st Century: an investigation of the association between e-governance advancement and governance quality of UN member states from 2003 to 2018

Introduction Literature Review Defining governance How e-governance is perceived to improve governance quality? Hypotheses Data and operationalisation Main Independent variable (IV) Dependent variable (DV) Control variables (CVs) Descriptive Statistics Skewness in numerical terms Scatter plot matrix with histograms Methodology Model Selection Regression tables of random effects and fixed effects models Hausman’s test result by dependent variable Diagnosis Linearity Influential observations Normality of the residuals Homoscedasticity Multi-collinearity Endogeneity Results Forest-plots of estimated coefficients Dependent variable: Control of Corruption Indicator (lagged 2 years) Dependent variable: Government Effectiveness Indicator (lagged 2 years) Dependent variable: Voice and Accountability Indicator (lagged 2 years) Robustness Check Correlation test of the alternative dependent variables WGI Control of Corruption Indicator and Bayesian Corruption Indicator WGI Government Effectiveness Indicator and FSI Public Services Indicator WGI Voice and Accountability Indicator and Freedom House Regime Score Regression results of alternative dependent variables Model (1) for testing H1 Model (2) for testing H2 Model (3) for testing H3 Conclusion Reference Bibliography R packages Appendix 1 E-Government Development Index World Bank Control of Corruption Indicator World Bank Government Effectiveness Indicator World Bank Voice and Accountability Indicator GDP per capita in current USD FSI Demographic Pressure FSI Group Grievance FSI External Intervention FSI Refugees and IDPs V-Dem Women political empowerment index Introduction One of the most prominent and rapid technological developments in the 21st Century is information and communication technologies (ICTs), which are broadly defined as digital technologies which can “transmit, store, create, share or exchange information”, such as the Internet, broadcasting and telephone (UNESCO 2021).