MINT311 - Fall 2023
Syllabus Please find the most recent version of the syllabus here
Lecture slides Lecture 1 - Networks
Session 1 - Practical
Lecture 2 - Relations
RISP062 - Spring 2021
Syllabus Please find the most recent version of the syllabus here
Lecture slides Lecture 1 - Refresher
Lecture 2 - Modelling
Lecture 3 - Assumptions
RISP167-MINT384 - Autumn 2023
Syllabus Please find the most recent version of the syllabus here
Selected Op-Eds (2023) Hiba Boulmirate
Fang Christian Jiang
Ada Mullol
This Semester For Masters Students Pursuing a PhD (19 October 2021) For Doctoral Students Proceed to Publication (9 November 2021) In the past Considering Careers Conquering Conferences Getting Grants Joining the Job Market Tackling Time Management Please contact us if you have any other ideas you would like to cover.